Eight Internet Tips for Nonprofits
The internet offers a dizzying array of sites and services for nonprofit organizations. Here are a few worth checking out:
- SwipeGood rounds up debit or credit card purchases to the nearest dollar and allows your supporters to donate the difference: https://swipegood.com/
- eScrip is a resource for fundraising for nonprofits serving youth. Your supporters just have to sign up, choose your organization, and register any one or all of their existing credit, debit and/or grocery cards: http://www.escrip.com/
- Causes makes it easy for users to ask their friends (via Facebook) to donate to your nonprofit on birthdays and holidays: http://www.causes.com/
- eBay Giving Works allows sellers on the site to contribute to your organization. As well, eBay users can select a favorite nonprofit which then receives a $1 donation every time they make a transaction: http://www.ebaygivingworks.com/nonprofit-info.html
- GreatNonprofits is an online "Zagat" for nonprofits; folks can find, review, and share information about great nonprofits on the site: http://greatnonprofits.org/about/
- Yelp has become the place folks look for feedback on local businesses - and the site does indeed include nonprofits. Encourage your supporters to write a laudatory review: http://www.yelp.com/
- Google for Nonprofits provides access to products and resources to help you expand impact and increase traffic to your website. It also includes a designated nonprofit channel on YouTube: http://www.google.com/nonprofits/
- Google, Bing, and Yahoo are the most-used browsers on the internet. Make sure people can find you there - search for "submit your site" along with the appropriate browser name and follow the directions.