Is the Fundraising Cup Half Empty or Half Full?
Predictions about current nonprofit fundraising efforts keep ranging from optimistic to gloomy and back again - even within the same reports. A new survey by The Chronicle of Philanthropy indicates that 62% of those polled raised more in November and December 2010 than at the same time in 2009. Almost 70% said their 2010 numbers would exceed 2009, and over one-third raised more in 2010 than they did before the onset of the global recession.
At the same time, another one-third reported that their contributions decreased, and 10% said giving remained the same. And almost half reported that their donated income for the year was less than the amount they had been able to raise prior to the economic downturn.
In the midst of all this fundraising uncertainty, it is both useful and encouraging to hear some success stories. Here are some of the strategies that helped those nonprofits that were effective in increasing donor contributions:
- More frequent (but shorter) appeals. The Foundation for Jewish Culture in New York more than doubled its year-end giving by asking more often, setting dollar goals to reach within short timelines.
- Expanded options for earmarked giving. A Volunteer Center in California found people responded positively to appeals that offered several specific options to choose from for their donation's impact.
- More email appeals in November and December. Ramapo for Children, a New York camp for young people with special needs, discovered that folks who received three email appeals at the end of the year were more likely to give than those who got just one.
- Publicizing loss of government income. The Elizabethtown Public Library in Pennsylvania made sure their community knew the extent of state cutbacks for library services. In the current climate, folks are very aware that government funding is being slashed - and they are sympathetic. Making sure your donors and members know that your agency has been directly affected can be an effective strategy.
- Increasing the number of total donors. The New York Council for the Humanities was able to double the number of donors. People may not be able to give as much as in the past, so a strategic focus on expanding outreach and increasing numbers can really pay off.
- Coordinating online and direct-mail efforts. The Trust for Public Land in San Francisco focused on making sure their online and direct-mail appeals complemented each other. The result was that their donors increased by 29%. For next year, their goal is a 45% increase.
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